Generate Scripts That Fit Right In Your Codebase
While tools like Postman allow you to “export” tests as scripts, they fall short of being useful due to couple of key issues:
❌ Good For Just One Time: When you use a dynamically generated value for a field (eg: current timestamp), the exported script contains the hardcoded value - which means its not repeatable (which is the whole purpose of a script to begin with).
❌ Doesn’t fit your framework: Typically, teams have custom frameworks built with utility functions for things like auth, setup, etc. that are re-used by their tests, and specific libraries that are adhered to and code styles followed. This means the output provided by the tools aren’t plug-and-play ready for your codebase, and needs significant rewriting to retrofit.
One of the core philosophies we thrive to achieve at TestChimp is - build stuff that actually works - and not just “sounds good”. 🎯
While TestChimps’ script exports had already solved the first problem (our scripts would include the dynamic value generating functions, and references them via vars in the request fields), today we are solving the second!
🚀 Now you can simply upload a few of your project’s artefacts such as util files, helpers, and sample test scripts, and our generated scripts will follow your team’s style, structure, and best practices. The result? Test scripts that are ready to use right in your codebase — without hours of manual rework!
#APITesting #TestAutomation #QATools #DeveloperExperience #GenAI #GenerativeTests