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Speed Up Manual Exploratory Testing With TestChimp Extension

First Name: asdas

Last Name: ssdfsda

Does your manual tests end up looking like this? 🤔 It's time to let Mr asdas ssdfsda living in 1, 𝑠𝑑𝑎𝑠𝑑𝑎, 𝑁𝑌, 𝑈𝑆𝐴 a rest from the millions of test cases he is stuck in! 

 🎉  TestChimp's chrome extension now adds nift shortcuts to your context-menu ➕ for inputting edge cases, and common problematic values, making exploratory testing super fast 🚀. Want to check for invalid email input? Or test for a large text?  How about in some weird character set? TestChimp got you covered.

If you are familiar with tools like BugMagnet, this new capability we are adding is similar - with a couple of additional twists:

👉 Dynamic Values 

Enter dynamic values such as current date, time, year, random phone numbers, zip codes, amounts etc.

👉 Right-click -> Add to vocabulary

Repetitively using a few values in your sessions (eg: domain specifics)? You can easily add them to the vocabulary with a right-click, making them accessible in the context menu the next time you need it.

Best Part? You don't even have to sign up for TestChimp. Just download the extension and you are good to go! ✅

Happy Bug Hunting!

#ExploratoryTesting #ManualTesting #QA #DevTools

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