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Build User Journey API tests from Manual Test Sessions

Build multi-step API tests from manual test sessions

Convert manual test sessions into user journey API tests in one-click.

TestChimp analyzes observed payloads to auto suggest detailed assertions and variables, resulting in more thorough and repeatable tests.

Tests can be parameterized to scale up and cover 100s of combinations easily.


Smart Variable Suggestions 

TestChimp intelligently suggests variable definitions by extracting dynamic values like tokens. You'll get more robust and repeatable tests with TestChimp.

Intelligent suggestions demo

Smart Assertion Suggestions 

Manually writing detailed assertions is painful, and all too often something gets missed. TestChimp intelligently analyzes observed payloads recommending thorough assertions leading to fewer regressions.

Cover 100s of combinations easily with Test Parameters

Test for large values, empty values, edge cases... Manually testing for each case takes a toll.​

Once a manual test is converted in to a TestChimp automation test, you can upload a csv with parameter value combinations to test for different scenarios, cutting down QA toil drastically.

Parameterized Testing Demo

Verify expectations at Any Layer of the stack

Was the correct recipient sent the mail? Did the right value get written at storage layer?


Pure API tests don't have visibility in to internal system details, requiring additional integration tests to catch those bugs.

TestChimp tests has full stack visibility, enabling you to write assertions verifying expected behaviour at any layer of the stack during a user journey.

Verify Any Layer Demo

TestChimp vs Competition

RestAssured / Cypress

Learning Curve




Writing API requests

Manually written

Manually written

Auto-loaded from sessions

Structured Editing

Defining Assertions

Complex - via code

Complex - via code

Easy - No-Code

Chaining Requests

Complex - via code

Complex - via code

Easy - No-Code

Test Cases Organization




Assert backend service layers

Use data in backend services as variables

GenAI assistance


Parameterized Testing


Auto-generate exhaustive API tests

  • TestChimp tests have full stack visibility, making data at any layer in the service stack accessible for assertions & variables.

  • Loading requests from manual sessions in to a Test Studio that allows structured editing enables easy test creation with a minimal learning curve.

  • Built from ground up with multi-step API tests in mind, TestChimp provides better test organization out-of-the-box. Each Test Case can have multiple API steps, Related Test Cases can be grouped under Test Suites, and value combinations for a test grouped as parameters of the test.

Ready To Cut Down Manual QA Toil by 90%?

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