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Let TestChimp 
Write Tests
For You

Our promise to you is simple: Get more tests, of higher quality, written faster.  TestChimp learns from manual tests sessions to generate the UI and API tests for you.

The TestChimp AI watches your manual journeys and then converts them into test scripts

Our knowledge of the full-stack allows us to analyze payloads, suggest assertions and variables, as well as make recommendations for additional tests.  Want more info?

TestChimp can help you write your API User Journey tests, and API End Point test.

Let TestChimp generate UI test scripts for you

As with API testing, we generate UI tests from manual sessions. Even better, we identify, recommend, and write related UI test scenarios.

Need to define further actions and assertions?  Easy, just tell us in plain English.

That's just a few of the reasons you need to be using TestChimp as your UI testing partner.

Write tests in your style and structure

Does your company have their own way of coding?  Got a specific syntax you need to follow?  We author code YOUR WAY, learning from specs and code examples to make it even faster and easier to start testing.

Generate bug reports from test sessions

At the heart of everything we do is our observation platform, and if we "see" a bug while you're performing a manual test you're only one click away from a bug report. 

The TestChimp AI will draft a detailed bug report with steps to recreate, observed and expected behaviours, and even root cause analysis with links to show exactly where it's breaking.

Check out the demo of our super fast bug triaging in action.

Get TestChimp To Write The Tests Your Team Isn't!

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